搜索NC Small Fruit, Specialty Crop, and Tobacco IPM

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

SEB ESA meeting wraps up!

I have been attending the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America's annual meeting this week and head back to Raleigh tomorrow morning. I presented some of ourstrawberry tunnel/spider mite biological control research在专门针对由学生事务委员会组织的非侵入节肢动物的研讨会上,由Ana Cabrera。Ana studies mite and tobacco budworm molecular biology under the direction ofMike Roe在我们的部门。

The NCSU Linnaean Games team also competed and placed 3rd. However, they played extremely well, and I am extremely proud of them. Because we did not place in the top two, we will not be completing at the national ESA meeting this winter, but we plan to come back strong next spring at SEB. The venue for next year's meeting is San Juan, Puerto Rico, which I am certainly looking forward to!

UPDATE: Elijah Meck, NCSU graduate student working with Jim Walgenbach and George Kennedy was the big winner in the SEB Photo Salon. Congratulations!

捍卫土地赠款 - 从Myrmecos转发

My friend Alex Wild has an excellent邮政detailing Michigan State University entomologist Anthony Cognato's appearance on Fox News in defense of stimulus funds for entomological endeavors. I urge you to read the post and watch the clip. This antipathy is part of a larger, disturbing trend of attack against the public institutions who have been the greatest single engine of economic growth and sustainability in the history of the US. I am deeply passionate about the land grant mission. It's as important now as it was 150 years ago.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring fire ant management in small fruits

火蚂蚁(Solenopsis Invicta colonies surrounding strawberry plants in Chowan County, NC. Photo: HJB, 2008


Fire ant mounds near strawberry fields in Orange County, NC. Photo: HJB, 2008

There are 2 methods of controlling fire ants chemically: contact materials and baits. I prefer bait products because they are more likely to eliminate colonies when used properly. Contact materials (mound drenches) may provide a short term knock down, but unless the entire colony is treated, the fire ants will eventually rebound. Spring is a good time to use baits for fire ants because these materials take a few weeks to eliminate colonies, which means they will do their job by the time picking begins. Consult theNC农业化学手册东南小水果IPM指南for the specific baits registered and label rates in the crop you will be treating. (关于农药建议的注释

In anticipation of some of the questions I may get from the strawberry community--applications through the drip may be tempting for fire ants, but these will probably not go deep enough into the soil to treat entire mounds and therefore will only offer at the most temporary benefit.

The most important consideration when using baits in the spring istiming。为了有效,必须在积极觅食时使用诱饵,因为蚂蚁必须将它们捡起并将诱饵送回巢穴,在那里他们将杀死殖民地。在温度大于70 F且蚂蚁觅食的日子中,最佳的诱饵时间是早晨。您可以使用“马铃薯片测试”检查觅食活动。将土豆片或奶酪泡芙在土墩附近。如果在30分钟之内,蚂蚁找到了芯片,它们正在觅食,现在是治疗的好时机。

这 ”两步法“当然是由得克萨斯州的推广专家开发的,在2-3周后伴随着土墩淋浴的诱饵治疗,是处理大型,持久侵扰的好工具。最好与您的合作社推广代理联系以获取建议以获取建议以获取建议淋湿是因为为此目的以小果标记的产品很少。

There are organic bait and drench treatments which may be used in small fruits, and I or your cooperative extension agent can provide more information on these as well.

A group of NCSU extension entomologists conducted an Elluminate webinar on fire ant management in a wide range of cropping systems in February 2009. I participated in this webinar,,,,可以在线查看here。The entire webinar is 2.5 hours and covers fire ant management in homes, nurseries, field crops, fruits, and vegetables as well fire ant regulations in NC. Log in as a guest to view the presentation, which will download as a Java document. The password for the presentation isrifa.您将需要扬声器和/或耳机才能听到演示文稿。

More on fire ant biology and management can be found in thisStructural, Residential, and Community Insect Pest Note经过查尔斯·阿普森(Charles Apperson)Mike Waldvogelfrom theNCSU Entomology Department.

下面嵌入的是我在2009 Fire Ant网络研讨会中的幻灯片,为那些不想听整个会话的人。


Blueberry pollination site visits begin

我的同事,David Tarpy,我正在开始项目由硕士学生领导,研究东南部的蓝莓传粉媒介多样性和丰度雪莱·罗杰斯,,,,and this week Shelley conducted the first site visits. Our locations span the state and include conventional, organic, commercial, and unmanaged sites.

我们经历了创纪录的数量chilling hoursthis winter, which means bloom will be concentrated this spring.

O'neal, one the early blooming varieties was already pushing buds this week, which means we have about 2 weeks before pollinator assessments begin in earnest. The goal of this project is to determine which pollinators are most abundant and efficient in our blueberry agroecosystem and what landscapes are most conducive to these insects. This project will run for 2 years and encompass at least 14 locations and supported in part by theNC Blueberry Council


Yesterday, we set up our 2010 spring miticide trials at the中央作物研究站in Clayton, NC and the plants are 2-3 weeks behind a typical season. Our samples from this week had no mites on them, which is not surprising given the cold winter. We will continue to sample biweekly until mite populations increase and will then sample weekly.

Once mite populations develop, we will begin our trials, which include validation of treatment thresholds for NC conditions and comparisons of registered and unregistered materials for mite management. A portion of these studies are supported by theNC草莓协会

烟治and Burley Tobacco Information Guides online

2010年版的烟治and伯利烟草生产指南可通过NC State IPM计划在线获得。这些指南也可从县推广代理商和NCSU烟草专家提供纸质形式。我手头上有几份副本,并且在野外时总是在卡车上至少携带一张。

Because the guides are revised once a year, some information may change before the next revision comes out. The biggest change in insect management for 2010 not reflected in these guides is the recent federal registration ofCoragen(a newer insecticide from DuPont) for use in tobacco. The state labels are currently pending, and I will post again once these have been finalized. We have conducted 10 trials in the last 3 years with Coragen andBelt(another newer insecticide from Bayer with a similar mode of action) and data on how these materials compare to standard materials is in the production guides (Belt) or has been shared at grower meetings (Belt and Coragen).

Updated 4.8.2010
我还想包含指向“ Oldie但Goodie”资源的链接:Scouting Tobacco in North Carolina, 由我的烟草前任斯特林南部开发。


Blueberry research plot planted!

Burrack lab folks and research station crew planting our blueberry plot.

由于我们的凉爽和潮湿的天气延迟了2周后,我们在The The The The The The The The The The Plunomology Blueberry研究图上移植了Horticultural Crops Research Stationin Castle Hayne, NC this morning.

A 3 year old Legacy plant settling in

我们的植物来自芬奇蓝莓苗圃in Bailey, NC. The Legacy were 3 year old plants, while the Premiere were 2 years. There's a noticeable size difference between the varieites now, but when fully grown, rabbit eye bushes can be much larger than SHB.

This will be an establishment year, so no fruit yet and no research projects planned unless some establishment year pests show up (whitefringed beetles might be one). Once the plants are larger, we plan to conduct blueberry maggot projects and to study emerging pests of blueberries in the southeast, including whiteflies.

蓝莓叶子的底面上的大量粉虱幼虫和p pa(照片:比尔·克莱恩)。These densities have become common in recent years in southeastern NC, include at the Castle Hayne station. We do not yet know what impact (if any) these insects have on plant health and productivity. The highest densities appear in late summer before leaf fall.


