搜索NC Small Fruit, Specialty Crop, and Tobacco IPM

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Honey bees and native pollinators active in early summer blooms. Raleigh, NC. Photo: HJB
My backyard was a pollinator paradise this morning. Carpenter bees, bumble bees, honey bees, and lots of small native bees were active at our salvia, hydrangea, andkniphofia。所有这些蜜蜂提醒我,我想分享雪莱·罗杰斯将于5月29日(星期二)上午9点在3503的北卡罗来纳州蓝莓关于授粉生态学的硕士论文辩护Thomas Hall在北卡罗来纳州的校园里。雪莱在描述传粉媒介社区,个别传粉媒介效率以及东南蓝莓特有的一些独特的蜜蜂相互作用方面做得非常出色。她将分享这项努力的结果,她的演讲向公众开放。


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Do it yourself: An update on distinguishing SWD larvae from other insects in strawberries

今年春天,我写了一篇文章,讨论了如何区分斑点的果蝇(SWD)幼虫和其他内部喂养昆虫。那个帖子was focused primarily on blueberries. This spring and early summer, however, I received several calls about SWD in strawberries, and they appeared in our research plots for the first time.

Fortunately, the majority of grower calls I received about larvae in strawberries ended up being sap beetle larvae rather than SWD larvae. Sap beetles or picnic beetles are actually acomplex of beetle pestswhich include at least three species in North Carolina (Carpophilus lugubris,,,,Stelidota Geminata, Glischrochilus quadrisignatus,以及其他),被腐烂而不是果实吸引。如果腐烂的水果在声音的水果附近存在,那么通常会发生酸糖不彻底或防止雨水采摘时,SAP甲虫和幼虫也会攻击声音,否则可销售的水果。



Sap beetles will first attack overripe, rotting, or otherwise damaged fruit. SWD will be found in fruit that appears otherwise marketable until cut open. As SWD grow older, fruit condition may deteriorate, but fly larvae found in sound fruit are more likely to be SWD than those found in rotting fruit.

Young sap beetle larvae may be similar in size to large SWD larvae, but in general they will be larger than SWD larvae. Size on its own is not a good determinant, but it can be a good initial indicator.

Sap beetle larva on knife blade. Photo from a commerical strawberry farm in eastern NC, 2012.
SWD幼虫缺乏腿,没有明显的头部,缺乏头发或刷毛,两端都逐渐变细(请参阅herefor more images). Sap beetle larvae have distinctive head capsules, three pairs of legs, and bristles along their bodies. Adult sap beetles may also be present along with larvae.
SAP甲虫幼虫。注意三对腿,独特的棕色到黑头胶囊以及沿着身体的刷毛。树液甲虫幼虫将主要是白色或奶油色,并且身体上缺乏图案。Photo from a commerical strawberry farm in eastern NC, 2012.

Two spotted wing drosophils larvae (center) inside a day neutral strawberry, Upper Mountain Research Station, October 2011. Photo: HJB
What other insects might be present inside strawberries?
Corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) are occasional pests草莓,幼虫可以隧道隧道挖成浆果。玉米耳虫是毛毛虫,这意味着它们具有独特的头胶囊和三对前腿,例如SAP甲虫幼虫prolegsalong their abdomen and have a pattern of stripes along their body (although their appearance can be highlyvariable作为幼虫年龄)。

Corn earworm larvae feeding on strawberries. Photo viaUC IPM

Friday, May 4, 2012


I am getting reports of spotted wing drosophila SWD larval activity in some southeastern locations over the past two weeks, and we have observed SWD infestation in some of our research station plots in North Carolina. Infestations in my plots are a good thing, because it allows us to study SWD here and provide you with up to date information, but infestations in grower fields are another matter. We have been catching adult SWD since January in North Carolina, but these are the earliest larval infestations we have recorded in the state. This early activity has prompted several questions about what growers or homeowners should do if they find SWD infested fruit. Here's a quick summary of the four key steps you should take in the event of SWD infestation:

1. Remove all ripe and ripening fruit and destroy it (by freezing, "baking" in the sun inside a clear plastic bag for a few days, or removing from the site). Eggs or larvae may be present in otherwise sound appearing fruit. Leaving this fruit means that potentially infested fruit is present and could be harvested.

2. Begin an aggressive (once per week if it does not rain, reapplication in the event of rain) spray program. Rotating between at least two modes of action will reduce the likelihood of resistance development. Seeherefor information about the probably efficacy of registered insecticides in southeastern small fruit crops. Because these efficacy ratings are based on work done largely in the western US, where environmental conditions differ, they are not set in stone. We are running several efficacy trials as I type and hope to have NC specific data by mid summer.

3. Practice excellent sanitation. Remove all ripe fruit and sell or destroy it. Do not discard culls in the field, and clean up after rain and u-pickers. Unpicked fruit is a reservoir for SWD larvae.

4.定期采样果实并考虑捕获苍蝇。陷阱告诉您SWD的存在或缺席,并不完美,但它们很有帮助。将陷阱放在草莓行中,靠近水果,以便最佳机会捕获苍蝇。通过将它们切开并寻找幼虫,将它们粉碎在盐水中(每加仑1/4杯盐)或冷冻它们来品尝水果。盐水和冷冻会导致幼虫退出果实。每个场采样至少30个浆果。看hereandherefor trapping information andhere用于幼虫抽样信息。

All growers are strongly encouraged to monitor for SWD adultsbeforelarvae are found. If adults are present and fruit are ripe, pesticide treatments are recommended through the end of harvest. We hope that this strategy will prevent larvae from showing in fruit and triggering the actions listed here.

Update, June 22, 2012

Update, August 7, 2012
I have been reading LOTS of scientific papers about SWD in the last week. A couple of Japanese references suggest that mesh cages or bags (specifically 0.98mm mesh) prevented SWD infestation in blueberries without impacting plant growth. We use mesh bags a lot to either keep insects we are studying in or to keep insects we don't want out.


